Monday, March 9, 2020

Free Essays on Celebrity Vs. Religion

Has Celebrity Replaced Religion in Society? Religion has been around forever. It was formed to explain the unexplainable, and lasted through countless revolutions and discoveries, giving the people who followed the support needed to go about each day. Recently, people who attain celebrity status can gain quite a big following. These groups of people will often look up to, and possibly idolize or worship the celebrities, seeing them as above the regular human being. This has, in turn, prompted the debate of whether celebrity has replaced religion in society. To this, I feel it has not. The first thing that comes to my mind when I think of this question is the amount of people that follow a specific religion. I usually think of Christianity because of its widespread belief and popularity. The number of people who worship celebrities is far less than the people who attend church on Sunday’s, and when other religions are considered, the ratio is practically laughable. Granted, the ratio is becoming less and less desirable, but the fact is that religion is still alive and strong. Another reason I feel that religion hasn’t been replaced by celebrity is the reasoning that people looking up to celebrities or other people in any sort of spotlight can not only be good, but help aid in there everyday lives. Plenty of famous people live good, quality lives following good morals, and looking up to them can offer guidelines to help live a good life. On the flip side, looking at celebrities can offer a way not to live your life. For example, because they are in the spotlight all the time, you can analyze their mistakes, and see that if you were to avoid similar mistakes, then you could avoid many potential problems. The last reason I feel that celebrity has not replaced religion is that many celebrities are very religious. The fact that people would worship celebrities who have a strong faith in a religion make it so eventual... Free Essays on Celebrity Vs. Religion Free Essays on Celebrity Vs. Religion Has Celebrity Replaced Religion in Society? Religion has been around forever. It was formed to explain the unexplainable, and lasted through countless revolutions and discoveries, giving the people who followed the support needed to go about each day. Recently, people who attain celebrity status can gain quite a big following. These groups of people will often look up to, and possibly idolize or worship the celebrities, seeing them as above the regular human being. This has, in turn, prompted the debate of whether celebrity has replaced religion in society. To this, I feel it has not. The first thing that comes to my mind when I think of this question is the amount of people that follow a specific religion. I usually think of Christianity because of its widespread belief and popularity. The number of people who worship celebrities is far less than the people who attend church on Sunday’s, and when other religions are considered, the ratio is practically laughable. Granted, the ratio is becoming less and less desirable, but the fact is that religion is still alive and strong. Another reason I feel that religion hasn’t been replaced by celebrity is the reasoning that people looking up to celebrities or other people in any sort of spotlight can not only be good, but help aid in there everyday lives. Plenty of famous people live good, quality lives following good morals, and looking up to them can offer guidelines to help live a good life. On the flip side, looking at celebrities can offer a way not to live your life. For example, because they are in the spotlight all the time, you can analyze their mistakes, and see that if you were to avoid similar mistakes, then you could avoid many potential problems. The last reason I feel that celebrity has not replaced religion is that many celebrities are very religious. The fact that people would worship celebrities who have a strong faith in a religion make it so eventual...

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